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Covenant Partnership

During the season that a missionary is affiliated with Living Word Missions...

Living Word Missions agrees to:

  • Provide administrative support to the best of our ability and with the resources God provides, including:

    • Processing and receipting of donations

    • Financial reporting of missionaries’ donations twice monthly according to the set calendar for each year

    • 1099 Tax Form for US Citizens

    • Regular email communications and communication via Signal app (i.e. LWM Family Update emails, replies to personal emails from individual missionaries)

    • Forwarding of personal mail, as needed (LWM does not forward bank statements or other online-access statements, bulk mail, or magazines/catalogs)

    • Maintenance of a personal web page with donation button using PayPal to process online donations

  • Provide training opportunities through a biennial LWM Family Retreat. LWM is responsible for missionaries’ room and board during the retreat.

  • Mentoring opportunities, as are possible, through emails, telephone, conference calls, and other communications.

  • Maintaining a godly lifestyle and being an example of LWM culture.


Missionary Affiliate agrees to:

  • Annual renewal of credentials.

  • Respond in a timely manner to communications initiated by the LWM US Office (emails, letters, phone calls, etc.).

  • Communicate immediately any change in status (i.e., relocation, change of ministry position, change in marital status, turnover of ministry, etc.).

  • Communicate immediately any change in contact information.

  • Attendance of at least husband or wife at biennial LWM Family Retreat.

  • Family participation:

    • Prayer for other LWM family members

    • Fellowship/participation within your geographical region, as is possible

  • Maintaining a godly lifestyle and being an example of LWM culture


Affiliates for whom LWM processes donations, agrees to:

  • An administrative fee of 10% to be deducted from all donations processed by Living Word Missions.

  • Monthly Activity Report 

  • Quarterly Financial Report 


A 21st Century Missions Society
PO BOX 2504 | BROKEN ARROW | OK | 74013

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